About the Ulaanbaatar Studies Project

Even though there have been significant efforts from various scholars, researchers and institutions in the past, as up to now it is still hard to say that a separate field dedicated strictly to Ulaanbaatar has been established. The works Mongolian scholars remain mostly related (but not fully restricted) to the historical perspective. Apart from the valuable input of historians per se these also constitute a very basic and most important contribution to the field of Studies on Ulaanbaatar as they lay a foundation induced with a local understanding of the nomadic heritage of this one of a kind metropolis. The international scholarly community in turn, has mostly researched Ulaanbaatar-related topics from a rather anthropological or ethnographic perspective. Not many Mongolists in general (both Mongolian and foreign) take up Ulaanbaatar as their main topic and so a lot of important gaps remain to be filled with professional knowledge. The Ulaanbaatar Studies project aims at providing a resource base and hopefully a platform for scholarly exchange among the Mongolian Studies’ community and beyond, in order to better the understanding of Mongolia’s capital Ulaanbaatar both in historical as well as present-day terms. Another important idea behind the project is to provoke discussion related to better defining the field, its interdisciplinary character and possible methodologies. As of now the field of Ulaanbaatar Studies still remains a somewhat peculiar “no man’s land”. Hopefully that can change in the near future.

This page, the Facebook (fb.com/ubstudies) and Instagram (@ulaanbaatarstudies) pages are run by a single person and serve as complementary means. As of now the most of the content is posted in English however when time allows I also hope to publish in Mongolian.

Please see the top menu for useful resources related to Ulaanbaatar, projects I am currently working on and other useful information.

Also feel free to contact the project either via the below contact form or mail at ulaanbaatarstudies[@]gmail.com